
Foreigners who commit sexual assault crimes to be deported!

IJOBINCN ijobheadhunter 2023-06-20

We are not an agent or recruiter, but a headhunter !

According to a judicial interpretation jointly issued by The Supreme People's Court, Supreme people's procuratorate,Ministry of Public Security,and Ministry of Justice on 25th, May, 2023 ,  a number of situations are specialized,  in which people who sexually harm children could be heavily penalized.

Foreigners who commit crimes such as rape and sexual abuse of minors within the territory of the People's Republic of China may be subject to deportation in addition to the legally imposed punishment.

For those who have not yet committed a crime but have engaged in behaviors that violate public security, or those who have records of sexually assaulting minors and are deemed unsuitable for staying or residing within the country, the public security organs may, in accordance with the law, impose a time limit for departure or deport them.

Source: https://english.court.gov.cn/2023-05/26/c_890108.htm


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